LATEST NEWS: We might get evicted outta our apartment within the next 21 days! We've been getting regular notices for a while because of noise complaints from our neighbor downstairs but, today we got our final warning - One more complaint in the next 21 days and we will be KICKED OUT!
I must say it's kinda excitin though! This is the closest I've gotten to anythin illegal or requiring being kicked out! :) I always wanted to be one of those cool college kids who party all nite till the cops are called to quiet them down! But sadly, my life is not quite that excitin- No late nite parties here, only late nite studyin- and we get complaints for that!
The first notice we got said that we were walkin too loud in the nite- walkin of all things! So, we bought everyone in the house soft chappals and put carpet on the floors... That kept the lady downstairs quiet for a while. Then, the next complaint was that we were moving things on the floor too late in the nite... So we stopped draggin our furniture- we only LIFT them past 11. This was followed by a string of complaints for loud music, talkin too loud...I'm waitin for the 'breathin too loud' notice now!
Sometimes the lady downstairs decides to take matters into her own hands...Literally! I'll never forget the time when I was sitting on the floor late one night packing for a morning flight. I had to drag out my suitcase from under the bed and immediately after I had pulled it out, I felt two or three sudden thuds on the floor, right where I was sitting. It really took me by surprise. Apparently the lady thought she would inform me of the noise I was making by using a pole to bang on her ceiling, my floor! So, we have these mini earthquakes nowadays to let us know that we are being too loud. I wonder... Does she ever sleep? Or does she wait all night with a long pole in her hand, listening for the slightest noise, waiting to bang at the ceiling?
personal musings